
New Year's Resoloutions, Part2

Well, it's the New Year. Thankfully. This hasn't been a great year for me as a person or as a writer. My writing really suffered this past year. Mostly due to personal events in my life. After my father's death, I wasn't able to write. Nothing would come to me for almost three months after he died.

In time, I got my writing back. But, it's not up to it's usual par. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to write as much as I'd like. And even when I do write, most of it's not as good as I'd like. I blame it on stress and being so busy, but a part of it is a lack of motivation. I've had no real desire to write lately, though that is changing.

Mainly, it's because I've been exploring my other interests. I've been painting and drawing, cooking, things that I also love. But as much as I enjoy those things, writing is a part of my very essence. Even if I have been neglecting it lately.

It's a New Year and that means, New Year's Resoloutions. On my other blog, I posted my personal resoloutions. Now, it's time for my writing resloutions.

1. Write More. I've been neglecting to my writing, even when I do have the time. So I've resolved to spend at least an hour a day writing. It doesn't have to be substantial things, but just getting stuff on to "paper". If I start really writing, then the ideas will come and we'll go from there.

2. Finish Old Work. I'm terrible about having multiple unfinished stories. I start one and then get bored and abandon it for the rest of time. I have 55 stories in progress at the moment and that only includes the stories where more than one chapter is complete and, in most cases, posted somewhere. I also have a ton of stories where the first chapter (or whole story if it's a one-shot) have just been begun. My goal is to have as many of those stories as possible finished by the end of the year.

3. Update More Often. I have some wonderful, loyal people who actually read my work and I'm sure I frustrate them with how rarely I post. Most of it I'll blame on the fact that htmling takes a lot of work, as I have to switch from OSX to OS9 since I havne't figured out how to html in OSX. I'll admit it. Also I've been having computer problems as late, so haven't wanted to risk the switch. But part of it is just that I'm really, really lazy. I haven't wanted to make the effort and I'll try to change that. I'll do my best to start updating at least twice a month.

So, there we have it. My writing resoloutions for the next year. Hopefully I'll be able to keep them and by the end of the year I'll more productive. Wouldn't that be nice?